S Akash from Mumbai who has trained in the Hindustani style played Raga Durga, accompanied by Mumbai based Anuvrata...
15 May 2019 8:06 PM
The track is featured on T-series's Bhakti Sagar which boasts of being the biggest channel positioned in hindi music as...
21 Feb 2020 6:51 PM
Rhea reveals that all of the hate did take a toll on her. I won't lie, I was very upset.
29 Sept 2018 7:21 PM
The source also reveals that the Jalota-Jasleen liaison had been 'fixed' before the show began.
23 Sept 2018 6:38 PM
The famous gulab baari concerts held around Holi at the Poddar residence in Kolkata are a much sought-after event.
14 May 2017 7:32 PM