You Searched For "Marijuana"
Vaping: A safer alternative to smoking?
Smoking pot vs. tobacco: What science says about lighting up.
8 April 2019 2:55 PM IST
Google bans apps that facilitate sale of marijuana
30 May 2019 12:24 PM IST
My name is Thor': Canadian man uses fake ID to buy marijuana
The fake ID has gone viral online and left people in splits.
30 July 2019 2:58 PM IST
Cannabis, an effective painkiller?
Marijuana has been found to be effective against insomnia and pain, reported a study.
3 July 2019 11:14 AM IST
Hyderabad: 5 engineering students arrested for selling marijuana
18 Aug 2019 10:59 AM IST
Marijuana can adversely impact baby's brain development
Expectant mothers can reduce impact of marijuana on baby's brain development with choline.
6 Aug 2019 2:49 PM IST
Australian capital legalises marijuana cultivation
Canberra becomes first Australian city to legalize marijuana for personal use.
26 Sept 2019 12:52 PM IST
Study reveals that Delhi is 3rd highest consumer of cannabis in the...
10 Sept 2019 2:30 PM IST