There are a number of plausible theories as to how a brain injury - even a slight one - might lead to Parkinson's.
19 April 2018 9:11 PM IST
It is also related to how many ASD traits people in the general population have, the more traits, the poorer deception...
23 May 2018 2:22 PM IST
Certain antioxidant supplements, such as n-acetyl cysteine and vitamin C, may also be effective.
23 March 2018 3:53 PM IST
The discovery could lead to the development of drugs that may alleviate some of the long-term effects of the disease.
20 March 2018 7:14 PM IST
The individuals with OCD were found to possess more maladaptive coping skills than all others, including those suffering...
17 March 2018 12:12 PM IST