
A device that tells you how much you stink

A newly released device from Japan has sensors that gauge how intense your body odour is.

Have you ever felt like you have smelled too badly and it is only you that can possibly smell it? A device from Japan called the Tanita ES-100 is probably the one for you.

This contraption can tell you how intense your body odour actually is and all you got to do to measure your smell is to turn the ES-100 on, remove the sensor and point it at a part of your body that you are concerned is giving out too much body odour. As per a report by Engadget, these devices measure particulate matter and after about 10 seconds it gives out a reading on how strong your body odour is on a scale from 0-10, with 10 being the strongest. If the reading shows Level 5, then its time for some smell care.

Alternatively, the device can also read how much deodorant or cologne you have used and it tells you if you should refrain from using too much deodorant. The sensor which is replaceable is god for about 2,000 uses or about a year.

Tanita says that this device is especially useful for working men in their 40s or 50s and the company expects that in this age group those men mostly start to worry that they stink.

The Tanita ES-100 has gone on sale recently and it is available for 13,834 yen which is about Rs 8,524.


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