Facebook's Find Wi-Fi' feature now available globally
Facebook has finally rolled out its Find Wi-Fi' to both mobile operating systemsiOS and Android.

After year-long testing it on iOS platform in select countries, Facebook has finally rolled out its ‘Find Wi-Fi’ to both mobile operating systems—iOS and Android to help its two billion users locate available Wi-Fi hotspots nearby when their data connection is weak.
"We're beginning to roll out 'Find Wi-Fi' everywhere in the world on iPhone and Android. We launched it in a handful of countries last year and found it's not only helpful for people who are travelling or on-the-go, but especially useful in areas where cellular data is scarce," Alex Himel, Engineering Director at Facebook, wrote in a blogpost. "So wherever you are, you can easily map the closest connections when your data connection is weak," it added.
The option ‘Find Wi-Fi’ can be found in ‘Hamburger’ icon available in Facebook app. However, to show you nearby Wi-Fi networks Facebook would require ‘Always’ location access.