Linekdin rolls out new 'Open for Business' in India
LinkedIn has rolled out its 'Open for Business' feature which shall make Indian freelancers & small business owners more discoverable.

Professional networking platform LinkedIn has announced the roll out of its ‘Open for Business’ feature in India. This shall allow Indian freelancers and small business owners to add their services to their LinkedIn profiles, like their US counterparts have been since July this year.
The new feature shall improve discoverability of these service providers on its search engine, said Linkedin, as people will now be able to filter through for the exact services that they would need. This helps them determine which service providers are available and best-suited to fulfill their professional needs. Members can also browse the full list of services offered and send a direct message to the service provider.
To make the update, one needs to-
- Visit their profile page from the mobile app or desktop. If this feature is turned on, they should see a box under your profile photo/headline that talks about how to showcase the services you provide.
- Click “Add Services,” and then fill out the form to provide details about the services you provide. Be as detailed as possible so members who view this section have a good sense for what you provide.
- Click “continue” and this will automatically be added to your profile.
In a blog post, Linkedin’s Vidya Chandra also mentioned that at least for the time being users will also be prompted to share the new addition to their profiles, upon completing sign-up, to their professional network.