
Porn website now asks for passport details, mobile numbers to watch porn

Passport details are usually asked for flying and important government work, however, this time, it seems more demanding.

Pornhub, the world’s largest and most popular adult entertainment porn website is now reportedly asking users to submit their passport and mobile details in order to give access to watching smut. The report comes in from The Sun, which reported that post the porn website being banned in Russia over child safety online last year, the country has allowed porn after the users enter some crucial personal details.

In April, the porn website was allowed to do business in Russia only after the requirement for users to specify their age proof. ‘But Pornhub has made a new decision to allow Russian’s to sign in on its most popular social network, Vkontakte,’ reported The Sun.

In order to sign up for a Vkontakte account, Russians will now need to enter their mobile number, which is registered to their passport.

Pornhub’s vice president Corey Price told the news website Vice that though this is not a condition put in place by the Russian government, they found it to be the best solution to comply with the Russian access laws.

The adult website also stated that they are not storing any of the information that will be supplied online, but are only using it to verify that the user is above 18 years of age.

Earlier, Britians were also gripped with fear when they got to know that if they wanted to entertain themselves with porn, they would have to step down to the post office to register themselves to get naughty media online. This was being put in place for verification of age only. However, presently, the rule is not in force and users can simply click on a check box to claim that they are above 18 years of age.

With numerous websites being breached these days, and porn websites being targeted in high numbers, giving your information up there is just another cause of concern. Will this new method suffice? Only time will tell. For now, users around the world, accept Russia, can peacefully browse porn, unless their government enforces similar rules for age verification.

This article was first published on Deccan Chronicle

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