Tinder to no longer show matches based on Elo score
Based on how others engaged with your profile, the Elo score was determined by Tinder's algorithm.

Tinder has made a new change to its service. The company will no longer show you potential matches based on the Elo score.
Based on how others engaged with your profile, the Elo score was determined by Tinder’s algorithm. In its official blog, Tinder notes that the Elo score algorithm compared Likes and Nopes of a user to show potential matches, based on similarities and engagement with profiles.
The company will no longer use the algorithm. Instead, its current system adjusts the potential matches you see each and every time your profile is Liked or Noped. The changes to the order of your potential matches is reflected within 24 hours.
Available in 190 countries, Tinder has more than 30 billion users till date. The dating app matches people using their recent activity, preferences, and location.