
Facebook AI for misclicked photos is sadly better than photoshop

Facebook has described a new method that leverages machine learning to retouch closed eyes in photos.

How many times have you ended up with pictures of self with closed eyes, red eyes or lens flare? More number of times than you can possibly remember. Facebook aims to provide a solution with its new AI.

Called Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), the machine learning system uses AI to recognise and replicate open eyes from sample images.

In a research paper, Facebook described a new method that leverages machine learning to retouch closed eyes in photos. This new method is just an idea and is at the research stage at this moment, but one never know Facebook could introduce such a feature into its website or apps.

GAN is capable of retouching blinks so convincingly that it is difficult to tell if the original version of the picture had flaws. There's no colour mismatch, shape difference, or visible stitching. This new feature could probably create some problems as anyone can easily fake visual evidence.

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