
Japanese hotel fires robot staff because they suck at their jobs

The hotel hired its first robot staff back in 2015 to become the most efficient hotel in the world.

Japan’s Henn na Hotel hoped its robot staff will amuse guests and make daily dealings easier. However, the opposite happened, ending in many of the unusual robots losing their jobs.

The hotel hired its first robot staff back in 2015 to become the most efficient hotel in the world. Four years later, the team of 243 robots became less of a novelty and more of a nuisance, Cnet reported.

The robots were not able to execute some of the most basic tasks, leading to the expulsion of half of them. Guests complained of the virtual assistant robot Churi who would wake up guests over snoring, or interrupt conversations.

Among the fired robot staff were humanoid concierge robots, animatronic dinosaur check-in robots, robot dancers in the lobby, and bellhop robots who carried luggage.

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