PUBG is working towards producing fresh content

PUBG has often been criticized for not keeping up with its closest competitor Fortnite in terms of regular content updates. Fortnite recently overtook PUBG as the highest watched game on Twitch while PUBG started bleeding players as it became more and more repetitive.
However over the last couple of weeks PUBG seems to be working more towards providing players fresh content on a regular basis. Through the new events feature, PUBG has introduced varied game modes that are available every weekend. It started with the special Flare Gun game mode that gives a super air drop with two weapons, but it falls slower and the entire server can see it in the sky clearly. While it’s quite overpowered it balances by putting a big target on the drop zone. The second one introduced a few weeks back was War Mode. Gun loadouts change every game, with weapon pickups and drops. The rest of the mode works like a standard Deathmatch. The recent Metal Rain, the latest mode added a twist to the flare gun that changes the drop based on whether you call it inside the white circle or not. Outside drops you an armored UAZ while inside doubles the standard Flare Gun drop.
However there is still another huge update on the horizon. PUBG is adding a smaller, faster loot heavy map, Savage to the game in the coming months. Currently in a special test server, this map forces players to fight more often. The map has also introduced a brand new dynamic weather system for the first time as it shifts from rain to heavy fog over the course of the game randomly.
Overall PUBG is working towards making a much more enjoyable experience. On the content front they’re finally catching up.