If you're a small business, your email is most vulnerable to cyber crime, says police official
Ransomware attacks are also rising but one can protect oneself using backup clouds and locking systems, such as multiple levels of security.

New Delhi: Business e-mail compromise is one of the most common online frauds, a senior Delhi Police officer dealing with cyber-crimes said on Saturday.
In a webinar, organised by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Cyber) Anyesh Roy said business e-mail compromise affects more small and medium level enterprises.
“The fraudsters do compromise with the email account of the person who is dealing with the company accounts and financial transactions. They create an email account which is similar to either company's or client's account. They come in the middle and start interacting with both the parties. They change the destination of financial transactions on some pretext, following which the money goes to the fraudsters' account,” Roy said.
He said a person needs to protect his email account through which financial transaction and invoice are being sent to the clients.
“Whenever an instruction has been received from the client about changing the destination of banking account, it needs to be confirmed through alternate means, including phone call, e-mail and other,” the officer said.
Roy also said instead of using free e-mail services, the organisations having a large turnover should shift to their own domain and have a properly hosted e-mail service.
Another way of cybercrime is ransomware, which is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until an amount is paid, he said.
The backup clouds, locking systems, such as multiple levels of security, can save a person from this kind of fraud, Roy said.
“Cyber-crime is like any other crime and one can report it anywhere at any police station or DCP office. The complaint can be registered through e-mail also. Cyber-crimes are happening through digital medium and the evidences can easily be destroyed so the victim needs to capture it as screenshot and give it to police with their complaint,” he said.