
Hang on! ads are coming to your VR headset

The inevitable matter of earning money from their products is getting the world of VR developers interested through an ad cube.

It is a universal fact that advertisements are annoying. Whether you are going through an article on the web or watching the latest number from your favourite pop star, ads pop up and eat into the overall experience. Creators have to implement advertisements so that they can earn bread for themselves. This idea is slowly trickling into the minds of VR developers, who want to generate revenue from their products using advertisements. Advr is up on this matter and has come up with a new form of ad format for the VR platform.

Advr’s latest project comes under Google’s Area 120 – an experimental project to help budding teams build new concepts and ideas suited for the entrepreneurial world. The ad cube will be floating in the 3D space of the VR interface and will display ads. When the user focuses his VR headset’s cursor towards the cube, it unfolds into a 2D canvas, either showing a still ad or a video ad. Video ads will have the option to skip it, which will transform the 2D canvas into a 3D cube.

As of now, Advr is suggesting that users will only able to see the advertisement as long as they choose to engage with the ad cube. The cube won’t be a compulsive feature like the ads on YouTube that don’t provide the ‘Skip button’. The ad cube could be adapted for various VR platforms such as Google Cardboard, Google Daydream and Samsung Gear VR.


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