
FaceID doesn't have any issue, says Apple

The Internet was trolling over the failure of the FaceID during Craig Federighi's demonstration of the iPhone X's security features.

The iPhone X is clearly gaining attention for all the right and wrong reasons — the good ones being a new iPhone design with the FaceID and the bad ones include the FaceID. During the presentation at the Steve Jobs Theatre, Apple’s VP for Software Engineering Craig Federighi was showing how easily the FaceID works when suddenly the screen showed the iPhone X asking for a pin code. iPhone users know that if the TouchID doesn’t recognise the fingerprint, it always asks for the Passcode.

The Internet has been bashing Apple for this, framing the FaceID to be undeveloped or improper functioning. It is definitely a matter of concern since the FaceID is one of the highlights of the iPhone X. However, Apple has assured that the FaceID is absolutely working perfectly.

In a statement to Yahoo, one spokesperson from the company said that it did exactly what it was supposed to do. Before the presentation, many Apple employees were playing with the device, trying to see if the FaceID works the way it was intended to. Since the iPhone X authenticated only Craig Federighi’s face, it was refusing till the time it put up the password prompt according to the standard iOS security protocols. When Craig Federighi took the iPhone, it showed him the Passcode window. After he put the Passcode, it unlocked and was locked again by Craig Federighi to demonstrate the FaceID’s superior technology.

Now, we don’t know whether this happened in reality or not. But the iPhone X’s security system worked perfectly if we are to believe Apple’s statement. Apple spends a lot of time and efforts behind a new technology and they only pass it to customers until it works perfectly, as has been the case with previous iPhones and other Apple devices. The iPhone X will start shipping to India from November 3 and we could only see whether the FaceID is all worth its hype or not.


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