
Titanfall 2: The Titans on top

The new Titanfall 2 game is one of the best first person shooter games in recent times

In a calendar year that’s dominated by the two giants of the FPS world, namely Battlefield and Call of Duty, it’s the dark horse that seems to have stolen the show! Titanfall 2 is here and don’t let the sales numbers fool you: This game is one of the most enjoyable first person shooter games I have played recently.

Unlike its predecessor, Titanfall 2 actually features a single player campaign. Gone are those annoying sequences of you having to play multiplayer maps with awkwardly voiced over characters barking instructions at you willy nilly.

Instead, we get a pretty buddy-cop esque storyline that while being thin on the plot side of things, is carried on the shoulders of the engaging banter between you and your titan.

Truth be told, the best feature of the campaign is the level design. Each area is created to utilise and highlight all the fluid movement, wall running, double jumping and sliding that the game has to offer. Moreover the platforming sections within each level force you to acclimatise with the controls fast and pull off these movements in strings of combos. All in all it’s extremely gratifying to complete each section. The sound design and gunplay is also top notch. Each gun feels and sounds unique and the game showcases this through a plethora of frantic gunfights involving both the pilot as well as your titan.

The multiplayer achieves what it sets out to do and then some. Respawn finally listened to user feedback and added several modes to the multiplayer, the most popular of which is bounty mode. Each game is a frantic hustle to dominate your enemy team by calling in your titan and using them effectively in the field of battle. One major problem however is that most game modes are scarcely populated with attrition and pilot deathmatch being the most popular ones.

Last but definitely not the least are the titans themselves. You can now choose between several different titans, each with their own unique skill sets. The greatest achievement here is that not only do these titans look different, they each have their own play style and bring a whole new dynamic to titan combat.

In conclusion, Titanfall 2 ought to be considered amongst the better shooters to have come out in recent years. With tight, fast paced pilot combat mixed with heavy hitting titans, there’s more than enough here to keep the players engaged for months on end.

Verdict 8/10

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