
iPhone 8 concept: Thinner body, OLED display and wireless charging

A recent video posted on Behance imagines iPhone 8 to come equipped with a bezel-less display and a body that is only 4mm thin.

A recent video posted on Behance imagines iPhone 8 to come equipped with a bezel-less display and a body that is only 4mm thin.

Apple recently unveiled its latest flagship, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus and rumours regarding the future iPhone 8 are already surfacing the internet.

A recent video posted by Matteo Gentile on Behance imagines iPhone 8 to come equipped with a bezel-less display and a body that is only 4mm thin. The device also boasts numerous other features including an OLED display and wireless charging abilities.

Gentile imagines the future iPhone 8 to come with a 12MP front facing camera and the device’s rear lens to come equipped with numerous upgrades including a sensor.

The imagined iPhone 8 also features a virtual home button integrated into the display. Recently filed patent called ‘Capacitive fingerprint sensor includes an electrostatic lens’ on the official US Patents and Trademark website also explains how exactly the fingerprint sensor integrated within the display will work.

While we are not sure whether this feature will in fact, come in the next Apple smartphone flagship, it does reveal the company’s future plans.

Will this imagination form into reality Only time will tell.

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