
From marriage to love

They were brought together by other people — it was a relative who knew both their moms. But from their very first meeting, Naved Jaffrey and his (now) wife Sayeeda knew the other person was special.

They were brought together by other people — it was a relative who knew both their moms. But from their very first meeting, Naved Jaffrey and his (now) wife Sayeeda knew the other person was special. Naved said Sayeeda’s good-heartedness came through even in that first meeting, when she chattered nineteen to the dozen. Sayeeda, on her part, was struck by just how carefree and down-to-earth Naved was. A little while later, they tied the knot. The couple sat down for a chat with us about their love story and joint projects like the TV show Power Couple.

Naved, Sayeeda, after you were introduced, how did your love story take off Naved: The liking began immediately. We were married within two months of meeting each other, and then our love story took off and has been going strong ever since. And so we lived, “happily ever after”! Sayeeda: Yes, we journeyed into matrimony and then came love.

So was there a moment when you realised you were perfect for each other Naved: For me, it happened within a few days after we met. Sayeeda: Only God is perfect. I don’t believe in being perfect for each other. I believe in respecting each other, I believe in staying committed to each other, I believe in being there for each other. Being “perfect” for each other is a statement you find only in fairy tales. What’s one quality you adore in each other, and one habit that is annoying Naved: A quality of Sayeeda’s that I adore is, she goes out of her way to help people even if she doesn’t know them. What annoys me is that she bathes with scalding hot water four times a day, even in the peak of summer! Sayeeda: Naved has a golden heart and I love that about him. I hate his nail biting habit! Do you have any one memory from the wedding that’s really close to your heart Naved: Actually there’s a whole load of wonderful memories from our wedding, so I can’t pinpoint one. Sayeeda: For me it would be the nikaah ceremony; it was beautiful. My brother-in-law, Jaaved bhai, put in every effort to make sure each flower was in place. I really appreciate all the effort he put in.

Coming from different cultures, were there any aspects of each other’s families that surprised you Naved: There was nothing surprising per se; all marriages involve compromising and ours was all fantastic. The only thing she wanted was for me to go down on my knee and put a ring on her finger, which I did during our nikaah to make her happy. She loved it! Sayeeda: Back home, my family never discussed movies, it was quite rare. And here, that’s all Naved’s family speaks about! I never have a clue what they’re talking about when films are being discussed! You appeared together on Power Couple. What was the experience like Naved: Power Couple was a great experience. I have been on TV for the last 20 years — produced, directed, hosted and judged Boogie Woogie and other shows — but I’ve never done something like this. Even I didn’t know that I could attempt all the pyaar ke tests, let alone complete them! Sayeeda’s jaw dropped each time she saw me! Sayeeda: Yeah, the pyaar ka test was very interesting and creative! Power Couple was fun.

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