
Surprised by India's reaction on Trump's mediation offer: Imran Khan

Trump on Monday offered to be the 'mediator' between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue during his meeting with Imran Khan.

Washington: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday said that he was "surprised" by India's reaction to US President Donald Trump's offer of mediation for resolving the Kashmir issue which, according to him, has held the subcontinent hostage for 70 years.

India has not been engaging with Pakistan since an attack on the Air Force base at Pathankot in January of 2016 by Pakistan-based terrorists, maintaining that talks and terror cannot go together.

"Surprised by reaction of India to President Trump's offer of mediation to bring Pak & India to dialogue table for resolving Kashmir conflict which has held subcontinent hostage for 70 years," Khan, who is here on a three-day working visit, tweeted at the end of his maiden trip to the US.

"Generations of Kashmiris have suffered & are suffering daily and need conflict resolution," he tweeted.

Trump on Monday offered to be the "mediator" between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue during his meeting with Khan at the White House.

India has firmly rejected Trump's offer, saying that New Delhi's consistent position has been that all outstanding issues with Pakistan are discussed only bilaterally.

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