
PM Modi in UNGA address positions India as a world leader

While ending the speech, Modi urged the world to stick together especially in weathering the modern day storms.

United Nations: Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced India’s ambitions of being a global leader in a speech; he delivered at United Nations General Assembly on Friday. He warned the world against the terrorism and said a world divided over the issue of terror "would be a setback to those principles on the basis of which UN was conceived."

“Terror is one of the biggest challenges before the world today. A divided world today would be a setback to those principles on basis of which UN was conceived. For the good of mankind to combat terror entire world standing together is necessary,” he added.

Addressing the UN, Modi said that the 21st-century India was making an effort not just for itself but for the world whether it was in the fight against global warming, peacekeeping missions, or alleviating millions of people from poverty. He said that India's contribution to global warming was very little but it had punched well above its weight in combating global warming.

Modi said: “We have worked towards it not just through initiatives we took in areas of renewable energy, for which we initiated formation of International Solar Alliance. Not only is global warming begetting natural disasters but increasing their frequency and scope. We need a combined effort of a coalition. India has contributed and made greatest sacrifices for UN peacekeeping missions."

He added that India was a country which gave the world message not of wars but of peace. Modi also delivered a message to the global audience about massive upliftment programmes run by the country through which it was making global impact. He added that by 2022 when India will be celebrating 75 years of independence, "we would have constructed 2 crore more homes for poor." Other message included safekeeping of the environment.

While ending the speech, Modi urged the world to stick together especially in weathering the modern day storms.

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