Man shoots woman dead, buries severed head, after she refused sex'
Her severed head was later discovered buried, stuffed in a bag with some of her jewellery.'

Yet another woman falls prey to the jilted lover’s wrath. 29-year-old Anna Ergieva’s horrified parents had the misfortune of discovering her headless body lying in a pool of blood when she failed to answer her phone.
The Ukranian woman had been chatting with an ex-boyfriend who was also a former classmate, the DailyMail reported.
Ergieva’s ex-boyfriend who had decided to pay her a visit made sexual advances and upon being refused flew into a jealous rage and shot her in the head.
Her severed head was later discovered buried, “stuffed in a bag with some of her jewellery.”
Police arrested the unnamed man in relation to Ergieva’s brutal murder, who after initially attacking officers and attempting to slash his own wrist gave in and confessed to the murder.
The 29-year-old said he had decapitated Ergieva’s body so as to abstain investigators from discovering the bullet lodged in her skull.
“An alarm button was found lying beside the corpse…It seems the victim made an attempt to call for help, but was murdered before pushing the button,” a police spokesman said.
Ergieva’s life came to an abrupt and gruesome end only because she refused to have sex with an ex-partner, who now faces life imprisonment.