
Trumpcare hits big hurdle: GOP biggies protest

Republican Senator Dean Heller became the fifth Republican opponent to oppose the bill.

Washiongton: President Donald Trump made calls to fellow Republicans in the U.S. Senate on Friday to mobilise support for their party’s healthcare overhaul while acknowledging the legislation is on a “very, very narrow path” to passage.

Five Republican senators have announced they will not support the bill, which is designed to repeal and replace Obamacare, in its current form.

White House officials said on Friday that Mr Trump has been in touch with Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and made calls on Thursday and Friday to other lawmakers.

Mr Trump’s role is expected to become more pronounced in coming days as the vote nears. Senate Republican leaders may rely on the deal-making former businessman to lean on conservative senators who are balking at the bill.

“We’re pleasantly surprised with a lot of the support that’s already come out and I think we’ll continue to work through (it,) in particular the four individuals who have expressed some ideas and concerns,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters at a White House briefing. With all Democrats expected to oppose the measure, the Republicans can afford to lose the support of only two of their 52 members if they want to pass the legislation.

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