Dare to be yourself

Sometimes the public image can be so real, that no one gets to know the real person.;

Update: 2017-02-22 18:58 GMT
To be yourself' can be quite frightening, because one becomes very vulnerable to scrutiny by others.

“Your time is limited; so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want. Everything else is secondary,” said Steve Jobs

The original is always better than a photocopy. But so many of us try to be what we think others want to see. This is often done by ‘impression management’, creating a public persona which has little to do with the real person.

To be ‘yourself’ can be quite frightening, because one becomes very vulnerable to scrutiny by others. To be like everyone else is easy. To conform, to blend in, is so much easier but boring.

How can you celebrate your unique and special qualities? What elementary ideas make you a brand? To enjoy being original, here are a few:

  • To your own self, be true say philosophers. Understand and accept and love yourself unconditionally. This is the only basis for loving anyone else.
  • Sometimes the public image can be so real, that no one gets to know the real person. Sometimes you yourself forget who you are!
  • Trust your gut feeling and intuition. Listen to others but decide by what your inner voice says. The expectations of parents and friends may prevent you from pursuing your own goals. The road less travelled is forgotten. How many potential artists end up being dissatisfied businessmen, denying themselves and the world the enjoyment of their unique creations.
  • Do not worry about what others think. Many lives have been stunted by living in fear of others’ rules. Live a life of fulfilment and joy. Create landmarks, blaze new trails. Be a trendsetter and create magic.

The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras and Innovation Sutra


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