Ancient wisdom: Seven seconds secret!
Being liked is not about intelligence, beauty or success. It is more about sincerity, transparency and empathy for others.;

The first seven seconds! The twinkling of an eye, is all it takes for people to decide whether they like you. Likeability is critical to being hired; promotions and even higher salaries are impacted by how much others like you. Happiness at home, success at work, are enhanced by being well liked. Likeability seems to ward off addiction and depression. Being liked is not about intelligence, beauty or success. It is more about sincerity, transparency and empathy for others. It is not about how you feel, but what you make others feel when they are with you. Likeable people listen with their whole selves. They ask questions. People who are least liked are twice as likely to die than others. Smoking has the same effect. Being likeable can save your life!
Having committed to a conversation with you, they listen with all electronic devices switched off. They are sincere, genuine and truly interested in those around them. Acceptance of others is the key. People can say anything to them and be whoever they are, when they are with them. They carry around them an atmosphere of comfort. Smiling comes easy to them and others feel safe, cherished and comfortable in their presence. Their handshake is warm, a hug when required, a pat on the back, all come easy to them. Usually they are passionate about their work.
You don’t have to be born with these traits. You can mindfully develop these skills that are critical to networking, to promoting harmony and bringing out the best in everyone and having fun yourself. Believe in others, remember their names, treat everyone with respect, keep your promises. Be helpful, encourage others, forgive easily and look for positives in others. So take a break. Step back. Look at yourself as others see you. See yourself in the mirror of others’ eyes. You have nothing to lose, but your masks!
The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras