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Barack Obama Page-17

India-US ties: Going to a whole new level?

“Major defence partner” and “major non-Nato ally” are the same in practical terms.

13 Dec 2016 1:22 AM

H-1B visas: Don’t blame Trump

The Trump phenomenon has caused ripples in many countries and organisations, from Pakistan through West Asia to Nato.

12 Dec 2016 12:13 AM

Indo-US ties as strong as ever under Obama: White House

Eric Schultz, however, refrained from commenting on the relationship under the in-coming Trump administration.

11 Dec 2016 2:51 AM

Russia 'interfered in US election to help Trump win'

President-elect Donald Trump has, however, rejected the intelligence community's conclusion of Russian involvement.

10 Dec 2016 8:57 AM

Obama orders review of election-season hacking

The CIA claimed that Russia, which is accused of hacking into Democratic officials' email accounts, tried to help Trump win the presidency.

10 Dec 2016 8:49 AM


Last of seven US space samurais dies

John Glenn was first American to orbit Earth, one of the 7 Mercury astronauts.

10 Dec 2016 6:27 AM

US Senate nod to India as major defence partner

The Act calls for approval and facilitation of transfer of advanced technology, consistent with US conventional arms transfer policy.

10 Dec 2016 5:25 AM

Britain will help Gulf ‘push back against Iran’

Ms May is the latest foreign leader to address the GCC as the Gulf deepens ties with major powers beyond long-time ally the United States.

08 Dec 2016 7:19 AM

We need US, but let’s not follow it blindly

Modi’s presence at Castro’s funeral would have served a dual purpose.

06 Dec 2016 3:44 AM

Edward Snowden says he does not expect pardon from Obama

Snowden leaked thousands of classified documents to the press in 2013 which revealed the vast scope of US surveillance post 9/11 attacks.

05 Dec 2016 4:43 PM


Obama TV? Forget it, White House says

He confirmed plans to write a book in his first year out of office.

04 Dec 2016 6:59 AM

Michelle will never run for office, says Barack Obama

Despite her popularity and natural public speaking ability, Michelle isn’t interested in a career in politics.

30 Nov 2016 10:08 AM

A giant who inspired the world

Fidel Castro’s greatest contribution to his country, his continent and the world was to wrest independence for Cuba.

27 Nov 2016 1:02 AM

Trump Sarkar: A few early glimpses emerge

Initial criticism rested on the premise that a man must be judged by the company he keeps.

25 Nov 2016 12:49 AM

Video: Emotional Obama honours Ellen DeGeneres

The American comedian was lauded for her courage and efforts for LGBTQ rights.

23 Nov 2016 2:52 PM


Thought I wouldn't like Obama, but I did: Donald Trump

After lambasting Obama for months as a failed leader unfit to be president, Trump found kinder words for his predecessor on Tuesday.

23 Nov 2016 9:47 AM

Obama meets boy who offered home for refugees

The 6-year-old said he wanted to keep Syrian child Omran Daqneesh at his house and would consider him as a brother.

21 Nov 2016 2:39 PM

In Trump’s raj, will son-in-law also rise?

In American terms, President Trump’s era will be a new ballgame.

21 Nov 2016 1:12 AM

Don't cut deals with Russia violating global norms: Obama to Trump

Trump has spoken favourably of Putin but has outlined few specifics as to how he would go about recalibrating ties with the country.

18 Nov 2016 8:43 AM

Trump's temper won’t serve him well: Obama

President-elect committed to Nato alliance, says Obama.

16 Nov 2016 1:06 AM