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  Opinion   Columnists  25 Dec 2023

Opinion, Columns, 25 Dec 2023

Aakar Patel | IPC gets junked: Why do we try to ‘fix’ problems that don’t exist?

Almost all of post-1947 Pakistan’s laws have remained the same that the British had left behind and are common across the subcontinent.

25 Dec 2023 11:00 PM

Syed Ata Hasnain | The Rajouri encounter: It’s about Pakistan’s relevance

The security forces take much more risk to achieve while the terrorists minimise their own risk to survive and thus revive.

25 Dec 2023 10:54 PM

Kishwar Desai | Are Santa Claus' days numbered? Britain in midst of shoplifting fever

Some academics are now trying to find out the exact age when children actually begin to doubt that Santa exists

25 Dec 2023 12:05 AM

Sanjaya Baru | The power and legitimacy of nations and leaders

Henry Kissinger was a phenomenal student of history, a master of diplomacy and an engaging author.

25 Dec 2023 12:05 AM