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European Union Page-23

EU privacy watchdogs say Windows 10 settings still raise concerns

The watchdogs, a group made up of the EU's 28 authorities responsible for enforcing data protection law

21 Feb 2017 8:59 PM

UK by-election a battle for survival in Brexit bastion

The disaffection with politics as usual is evident in West Midlands city that was once famous around world as a hub for pottery industry.

21 Feb 2017 9:31 AM

Oxford University to open first ever foreign campus in France

Other universities, including the University of Warwick, have also been approached with plans to build a new campus in Paris in 2018.

21 Feb 2017 1:27 AM

Amazon to open its fifth logistics centre in Poland

Amazon is seeking to benefit from the country's relatively low wages and proximity to the large German market

20 Feb 2017 9:24 PM

In UK, Partition stories unite

The Brexit debates begin in the House of Lords this week.

20 Feb 2017 2:39 AM


US committed to Europe, says Mike Pence

Pence called Tehran ‘the leading state sponsor of terrorism’, language never used by European officials.

19 Feb 2017 8:11 AM

Brexit become important theme at London Fashion Week

With so many Europeans living and working in British fashion, their status after Brexit has been a priority for many brands and designers.

18 Feb 2017 7:30 PM

UK employers worried as EU staff leave this year

Britons living in EU countries may face Brexit backlash.

14 Feb 2017 6:43 AM

May must walk the talk, shelve ‘global’ dreams

Ms May has largely succeeded in getting past the parliamentary hurdle of leaving the EU, but her major tasks lie ahead.

13 Feb 2017 2:25 AM

EU likens Brexit to pubbing with friends, says Britain has to pay its dues

According to officials, the EU is set to demand up to 60 billion euros from Britain to settle outstanding budget commitments.

07 Feb 2017 7:06 PM


4-month-old baby becomes part of UK Brexit history

Alastair was allowed inside the House of Commons along with his MP mother who interrupted her maternity leave to vote on Brexit.

02 Feb 2017 6:12 PM

British MPs approve first stage of Brexit bill

The bill will then move to the Lords for debate from February 20, with the government hoping for their approval by March 7.

02 Feb 2017 8:42 AM

Cameron tried to get editor of pro-Brexit Daily Mail sacked

A spokesman for Mr Cameron told the BBC that he denied the report and had merely sought to persuade them of his pro-EU case.

02 Feb 2017 6:34 AM

British MPs take first step to starting Brexit

After the preliminary debate, a vote on Wednesday allowing the bill to move to its next stage is viewed as largely procedural.

01 Feb 2017 8:56 AM

UK government loses Brexit case, must consult Parliament

The ruling forces the government to put a bill before Parliament, giving pro-EU politicians a chance to soften the terms of Brexit.

24 Jan 2017 4:09 PM


Trump bigger uncertainty for EU than Brexit: Hammond

Mr Hammond, a former foreign minister, said EU countries varied widely in how big a security threat they saw from Russia.

21 Jan 2017 2:35 AM

Merkel warns 'eternal' US-EU ties not guaranteed

Merkel told the European Union it must keep a united front in negotiations with Britain over its exit from the bloc.

13 Jan 2017 11:10 AM

Theresa May hard-sells Brexit, pitches border control

Ms May said her “thinking on this isn’t muddled at all” & accused the previous administration of not preparing a strategy in case of Brexit.

09 Jan 2017 1:41 AM

'Unacceptable' lack of knowledge on Brexit: Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of the Scottish National Party, had campaigned to remain as a part of the European Union.

08 Jan 2017 6:04 PM

Marine Le Pen has Elysee Palace in sight and Frexit on mind

French far-right leader says if elected President, she may call for EU exit

07 Jan 2017 6:30 AM