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Gospel choir to sing at wedding of UK Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Harry and Markle will tie knot at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle on May 19.

26 Apr 2018 8:27 AM

Asaram Bapu convicted: 5 other controversial godmen

Asaram has been convicted by Jodhpur Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Court in a rape case, we look at 5 other controversial godmen.

25 Apr 2018 10:37 AM

Meet US President Donald Trump's Spanish doppelganger

Snap of Antelo holding hoe and gazing into distance on her farm has gone viral after an interview with local newspaper.

25 Apr 2018 8:20 AM

China's Lisu aim to save crossbow culture

As more youngsters move to urban areas, Cha Hairong, head of crossbow association of Lushui city, fears crossbow is dying out.

25 Apr 2018 8:07 AM

Anthony Hopkins lets loose to upbeat dance track; video goes viral

The 80-year-old iconic actor pulled off some serious dance moves to an upbeat soundtrack on the viral video.

24 Apr 2018 4:18 PM


Kate’s new baby is a Taurus; here are 10 traits he may have

New baby, born on April 23 shares his star sign with great grandmother Queen Elizabeth II, who was born on April 21, 1926.

24 Apr 2018 3:47 PM

Here’s how Princess Charlotte made history after birth of baby brother

Princess Charlotte became the first female royal to retain her claim to the throne, despite the royal baby being a boy.

24 Apr 2018 3:23 PM

Third time lucky? Here's how life turned out for third-born royal ancestors

Being born third child to a monarch or future monarch has rarely meant a trouble-free life.

24 Apr 2018 2:27 PM

Bookmakers believe Arthur could be name for newborn prince

Kensington Palace, announced the baby was born at 11:01 on the morning of April 23.

24 Apr 2018 1:35 PM

IPL 2018 special: 7 places to munch at during cricket season!

From places in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata to Pune, these F&B establishments have something special on offer during IPL.

24 Apr 2018 12:41 PM


Humans did not come from Earth, claims scientist

According to experts, life spreads like an “interstellar infection” and clusters of planets in the galaxy have alien life forms.

23 Apr 2018 12:39 PM

Study finds 'very' unattractive people earn significantly more

Study shows people who were more conscientious, extroverted and less neurotic earned significantly more than others.

23 Apr 2018 10:43 AM

Here are 8 things you probably did not know about UK's Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabrth, who turned 92 on April 21, is first UK monarch to ever celebrate sapphire jubilee, which marked her 65-year reign in 2017.

23 Apr 2018 10:02 AM

Child sexual abuse: 10 ways to protect children against predators

As circumstances make us aware of problems as society, we need to take steps to protect our children from abuse at hands of sexual fiends.

21 Apr 2018 1:33 PM

Swaziland's king renames country to eSwatini, to stop being confused with Switzerland

King Mswati III declared the name change during independence day celebrations at a packed sports stadium in the second city of Manzini.

20 Apr 2018 3:39 PM


What is hell? Here's what an expert says

Belief in an afterlife, where virtuous are rewarded with place in heaven and wicked punished in hell, is core teaching of Christianity.

19 Apr 2018 2:46 PM

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni wants to ban oral sex, issues public warning

Museveni, who has ruled Uganda for 31 years, issues public ‘warning’ , says ‘mouth is for eating’.

19 Apr 2018 10:31 AM

Jesus is 'alien' from Venus, landed spaceship on mountain in Britain, claims cult

The Aetherius Society founder claimed that he met Jesus Christ at Holdstone Down mountain in 1958.

18 Apr 2018 3:30 PM

First person on Mars should be a woman, says NASA's chief astronaut trainer

According to Allison McIntyre, a senior NASA engineer at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, a dozen men have already walked on the moon.

18 Apr 2018 11:02 AM

Beer lovers can now toast Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding with new brew

Harry & Meghan’s Windsor Knot has been brewed to give traditional British pint US twist in honour of nuptials of transatlantic couple.

18 Apr 2018 8:40 AM