You Searched For "National Institute of Virology"
488 swine flu deaths reported in Maharashtra between January and...
The experts have attributed the rise of swine flu cases to a change in the virus' strain.
3 Sept 2017 11:37 PM
90 H1N1 deaths since January
It can be easily transmitted through the air, skin, saliva and contaminated surfaces.
6 Oct 2018 1:00 AM
Soldier from Kerala dies, Nipah virus suspected
This is the first time anyone suffering from the symptoms of the disease died in the state.
31 May 2018 12:51 AM
Kerala man with symptoms of Nipah under observation in Goa hospital
Blood samples of the patient were sent for testing to the National Institute of Virology in Pune.
29 May 2018 4:23 AM
State gears to tackle Nipah scare
3 Jun 2018 8:10 PM