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  Gurgaon: Auto unions end two-day strike

Gurgaon: Auto unions end two-day strike

Published : Aug 31, 2016, 2:20 am IST
Updated : Aug 31, 2016, 2:20 am IST

Autorickshaw unions in Gurgaon ended their two-day long strike on Tuesday, bringing much needed respite to commuters.

Passengers board an overcrowded bus after auto drivers went on strike in Gurgaon on Monday. 	— PTI
 Passengers board an overcrowded bus after auto drivers went on strike in Gurgaon on Monday. — PTI

Autorickshaw unions in Gurgaon ended their two-day long strike on Tuesday, bringing much needed respite to commuters. The unions had called the strike against impounding of unlicensed autorickshaws by traffic cops. The strike was called-off on Monday evening after a delegation met with the deputy commissioner of Gurgaon who announced that camps would be set up to issue them licences in a time-bound manner. According to the unions, over 4,000 autos were impounded for violating traffic norms.

The deputy commissioner said, “I have also assured them that transport department camps would be set up from Tuesday to issue licences in a time- bound manner and the task has been given to SDM, South Gurgaon so that they can get their impounded autos released. They also promised to install GPS device in autos.”

The delegation assured him that they would follow traffic norms. Over 30,000 autos had gone on strike following action by Gurgaon police. “Most of these autorickshaws were fined as they were without valid documents such as licence, registration certificates and permits,” said Hawa Singh, PRO, Gurgaon police. Meanwhile, commuters blamed the city administration for not being able to provide any better mode of transportation. “It is really shameful that these auto drivers are holding the city on ransom. The civic administration is totally clueless about the sufferings of the general public. The commuters have been stranded on the roads for long hours in the last two days. There is a need to improve public transport in the millennium city,” said Priyanka Sharma, a daily commuter.

Location: India, Haryana, Gurgaon