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European Union Page-20

May unveils Conservative manifesto, vows to cut immigration

British PM determined to leave EU without exit deal if terms are disagreeable.

19 May 2017 7:17 AM

French Prez to meet EU chief Tusk, to reveal names of government ministers

Emmanuel Macron's office will announce govt lineup Wednesday afternoon, after a delay to dig deeper into proposed ministers' tax records.

17 May 2017 5:01 PM

Emmanuel Macron faces taxing times

Prez delays Cabinet announcement over tax affairs of potential ministers.

17 May 2017 1:16 AM

Macron’s test: To retain the magic

Macron considers Britain’s decision to quit the EU as certainly harmful to the UK and potentially to the EU as well.

16 May 2017 12:09 AM

Erdogan seeks to sway Trump in crunch US talks

Turkish president was hugely encouraged when Trump congratulated him on winning the April 16 referendum on enhancing his powers.

15 May 2017 6:55 AM


Macron the mould-breaker: France's youngest leader since Napoleon

The 39-year-old Macron is the youngest president in the country's history and the 8th president of France's 5th Republic created in 1958.

14 May 2017 6:59 PM

Emmanuel Macron to be sworn in as French president

Macron will then make a speech in the Elysee reception hall in front of about 300 guests, officials and family members.

14 May 2017 1:19 PM

360 Degree: From ALT+Right to Halt Right

Macron’s victory in the french presidential polls offers liberals hope to counter the nationalistic and protectionist narrative.

14 May 2017 3:35 AM

EU, US should review afghan policy to foster long term peace

'It is time that hard decisions are taken, and the historical mistake known as the Durand Line is set right', said EP Vice President.

13 May 2017 5:39 PM

Finland's former leftist President Mauno Koivisto dies at 93

Mauno Koivisto, born in 1923 to a ship's carpenter became the first leftist and ninth president of Finland in 1982.

13 May 2017 1:28 PM


Brexit ‘bonus’ for Hindujas?

The millions who voted for Brexit didn’t profit from the boost to the stock market.

13 May 2017 12:12 AM

France's Macron to meet German chancellor Merkel, in first trip abroad as president

Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on Thursday underlined common ground with Macron in Germany and France's bid to bolster the EU.

12 May 2017 6:31 PM

Will ‘audacity’ guide Macron’s France?

The Prime Minister must be acceptable both to this President and to the legislature; it is not an easy endeavour.

12 May 2017 12:18 AM

European Union approves visa-free travel for Ukrainians

"YES, we did it!" Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko wrote on Facebook after the Brussels decision.

11 May 2017 9:08 PM

EU advised to rank Uber as transport, challenging business model

The non-binding opinion means the smartphone app can be regulated by European countries as a transport service

11 May 2017 7:51 PM


For Macron, tough challenges lie ahead

The new French President is pro-reforms and business-friendly, but he promises to be a gradualist.

09 May 2017 12:07 AM

Emmanuel Macron becomes France’s youngest President

Macron told the Louvre crowd that the Le Pen vote was one of "anger, disarray."

08 May 2017 2:01 AM

Is Macron the saviour that Europe is seeking?

Europeans looked nervously over their shoulder at a string of elections coming up.

08 May 2017 12:24 AM

Reorient strategy on jobs

Critics may blame President Donald Trump for targeting Indian companies, but protectionism is now a global phenomenon.

05 May 2017 12:15 AM

May warns EU leaders she’ll be ‘bloody difficult’ in talks

May also warned voters that the 27 other EU countries were determined to win a divorce deal that “works for them”.

04 May 2017 4:52 AM