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  London mayor joins David Cameron on Brexit vote

London mayor joins David Cameron on Brexit vote

Published : May 31, 2016, 4:24 am IST
Updated : May 31, 2016, 4:24 am IST

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, center right, makes a joint appearance for the Remain campaign with Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, in London. (Photo: AP)

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 Britain EU_Kand.jpg

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, center right, makes a joint appearance for the Remain campaign with Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, in London. (Photo: AP)

London’s new mayor, a a member of the Opposition Labour Party, joined forces with Prime Minister David Cameron in the campaign to prevent a British exit from the European Union.

Mr Cameron held a pro-EU rally on Monday in which he shared across-party platform with newly-elected mayor Sadiq Khan. Their joint appearance set aside the animosity of the mayoral election campaign just a few weeks ago in which Mr Cameron’s Conserv-ative party tried to link Mr Khan to extremism.

Mr Khan made joint campaign appearances on Monday with Mr Cameron, the Tory leader who also favours remaining part of the 28-nation bloc.

Campaigning is intensifying ahead of the June 23 in-out referendum with Mr Cameron’s Conser-vatives badly split over the issue of Europe. He is opposed by several Cabinet members who favour leaving the EU.

Mr Khan will join Mr Cameron on a “Britain Stronger in Europe” bus trip. He said the issue is more important than political differences between the two men. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has refused to make joint appearances with Mr Cameron, even though they agree on the EU issue.

Meanwhile, former Bank of England governor Mervyn King criticised arguments in the debate over Britain’s membership of the European Union as he said these “insult the intelligence of voters,” British media reported on Monday. Dr King, who steered UK monetary policy for 10 years till 2013, was speaking at Britain’s Hay Festival, an arts event.

Britons will decide on June 23 whether to leave or stick with the EU, with important implications for the future of Britain’s economic and trade relations and for the EU itself.

Location: Canada, Ontario, London