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Srinagar Page-16

Stringent action against those violating lockdown restrictions

The union territory has ramped up testing and was now testing at the rate of 289 persons per one million of the population

13 Apr 2020 12:03 PM

Mehbooba Mufti shifted to her home; detention under PSA to continue

Former chief minister's residence designated as a subsidiary jail

07 Apr 2020 4:44 PM

5 infiltrators, 3 Army jawans killed in ongoing gunfight in Keran area of LoC

An Army jawan identified as Sepoy Satendra Kumar Tomar committed suicide by shooting himself with his service rifle in J&K’s Bandipore

05 Apr 2020 5:28 PM

Govt withdraws privileges given to former J&K chief ministers

The move comes months after J&K Law Commission had recommended repeal of the legal provisions providing facilities to former chief ministers

02 Apr 2020 12:21 PM

J&K takes up 'robust' contact tracing in Valley

About 2000 contacts of Covid-19 positive persons have been identified

02 Apr 2020 8:23 AM


Why are so many fleeing quarantine in Kashmir?

Photographs of street dogs in the corridors of major hospitals put the focus on hospital conditions

31 Mar 2020 12:22 AM

Covid19 cases in J&K climb to 48, J&K hospitals in doldrums

In J&K, as many as 11, 644 travellers and persons in contact with suspected cases are under surveillance, including 355 in quarantine

31 Mar 2020 12:09 AM

26 Covid-19 suspects flee after quarantine riot at Srinagar hospital

They are retraced and brought back but one doctor loses her job for negligence

28 Mar 2020 11:46 PM

J&K Friday congregations put off; Four more covid19 cases reported

In most cases the custodians of mosques voluntarily called off the weekly gatherings

27 Mar 2020 10:46 PM

Places of worship shut after first Covid-19 casualty in Kashmir

Authorities probing why coronavirus victim was allowed to leave hospital despite having symptoms

27 Mar 2020 12:07 AM


Kashmir records first coronavirus death

A 65-year-old man who had been with a Tablighi Jamaat outside Valley dies in a Srinagar hospital days after testing positive

26 Mar 2020 3:20 PM

Panicky Kashmiris rush to hospitals after COVID-19 cases swell in J&K

With 4 more testing positive for the deadly virus, authorities decide to get tough with lockdown violators

25 Mar 2020 10:37 PM

Omar Abdullah: It's callous and cruel to keep Mehbooba Mufti in detention

Former J&K chief minister says there was never any justification to detain her in the first place

25 Mar 2020 2:03 PM

Far & Near: Kashmir after the Abdullahs' release

If the NC and PDP now show common purpose, efforts by the Centre to degrade the Abdullahs' party is likely to receive a setback

25 Mar 2020 10:54 AM

Omar Abdullah released

His release order was issued after charges under the Public Safety Act (PSA), slapped on him in February, were revoked

24 Mar 2020 11:56 AM


Farooq’s Abdullah's silence is a statement

People in Kashmir have grown sceptical about Dr Abdullah’s next move

16 Mar 2020 4:39 PM

AA EDIT: Now that Farooq Abdullah is 'free', will Kashmir be back to normal soon?

Dr Abdullah’s release yields the surmise that the Narendra Modi government has just had an attack of realism

16 Mar 2020 12:15 PM

Amit Shah assures Bukhari of restoring J&K statehood

Shah assured the delegation that J&K will have a better domicile policy than other states in the country

15 Mar 2020 7:21 PM

PSA against Farooq Abdullah revoked, to be released soon

Abdullah was under preventive detention since August 5 last year, the day Centre abrogated the special status of Jammu and Kashmir

13 Mar 2020 3:56 PM

Jaishankar in Srinagar, meets families of Indian students in Iran

About 250 people from the Valley have returned home from Iran and China but none of them has reported with any visible signs of COVID-19

10 Mar 2020 12:14 PM